germanshep63738 Active 2 years, 4 months ago ActivityProfileListsFriends 0Groups 0Reviews 1 Places 1Events 0 Reviews on Places Porters Pass | Dog Friendly Hike in Blackheath Walk not suitable for dogs Only first 500m section allows dogs on a lead then dogs are not allowed. I almost got a fine and my dog almost ate some 1080 baits that were laid out in the section that doesn’t allow dogs. I repeat do not take you dog on this walk
Porters Pass | Dog Friendly Hike in Blackheath Walk not suitable for dogs Only first 500m section allows dogs on a lead then dogs are not allowed. I almost got a fine and my dog almost ate some 1080 baits that were laid out in the section that doesn’t allow dogs. I repeat do not take you dog on this walk
Walk not suitable for dogs
Only first 500m section allows dogs on a lead then dogs are not allowed. I almost got a fine and my dog almost ate some 1080 baits that were laid out in the section that doesn’t allow dogs.
I repeat do not take you dog on this walk