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Reviews on Places

  • I love coming down to this park and playing with all of my friends. I have been coming here since I was a pup which had led me to having a great group of regular friends. Due to this I’m able to be confident and have a good play. While this is the case there are lots of new dogs that come past who I also love playing with. There are two water features which I run and sit in (although the rangers do tell dogs off for being in the water as it’s not classified as an off leash area). The park is also surrounded by a slight hill on everyside so mum feels safer as it keeps me more enclosed like a fence. Every now and then a boisterous dog does come down and it can get everyone’s temper running. As long as everyone is well trained and owners and vigilant the park can be enjoyed peacefully by all. There is also public toilets, a drink fountain and bbqs at one end of the park and across the road is a coles. We often have a small bbq for birthdays and that is always a good treat.

    All up we love the park! It’s a great park for socilisation and a good afternoon or morning out

  • Mermaid pools is the perfect spot for a day of adventure. We begin our day by packing a backpack, with lots of water, snacks and towels before driving just over an hour to reach the start of the track. There is always plenty of parking close to the beginning of the track even on long weekends when it can be busy. We then have the choice to jump straight into the water before the bridge or start the walk to the gauge. The lead normally comes off just past the bridge and into the water we go. After a quick swim, it is a very easy walk along the waters edge to the gauge. To reach the gauge it is around 2km, with one semi steep incline and then one decline along the rocks edge. At the top of the incline the path to the gauge is marked by white arrows, and pink bits of string. Although high, you should be able to see the river bend the whole way so it would be very difficult to get lost. Once at the gauge the lead goes back on as a safety measure. We normally have a little swim in this area or take some pretty photos and head back to a safer area (where there isnt a giant drop off) to have a big swim and our picnic. Along the route there are plenty of swimming holes, waterfalls and secluded areas if you don’t want to trek the whole way. After a great swim and feed we walk back along the rivers edge to our car. This place is a fantastic off leash bush walk where both humans and dogs can enjoy the serenity, the numerous swimming holes, and gorgeous views of nature. Cant wait until we next go back!

    It should be noted that there and no public toilet facilities or drink fountains. We normally pack three liters for two adults, and our pup drinks from the creek. There is also emergency only reception in some areas of the trail so for safety purposes you should let someone know you are going in case you get into trouble.