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Clifton Gardens Reserve | Timeshare Dog Friendly Beach in Mosman

Home » Places » Australia » New South Wales » Mosman » Clifton Gardens Reserve | Timeshare Dog Friendly Beach in Mosman


Clifton Gardens Reserve is a popular Dog Friendly Beach in Mosman. Water views are stunning and dogs can swim from the beach Mon – Fri 4pm-9am (6pm-9pm daylight savings). The parkland is often full with families on picnic so make sure you dog is well behaved when food is around. All major facilities are available including the kiosk and often an ice cream van.


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1 Review on “Clifton Gardens Reserve | Timeshare Dog Friendly Beach in Mosman”

  • AvatarAlfie
    6 years ago

    This is one of my favourite places ever, because I love the beach. But it’s less fun than other beaches because as soon as I come off the sand, I have to be put on a leash so I don’t help myself to all the picnic foods or try to play with all the little kids. My humans say when I’m better behaved I will probably give this beach four stars, because it has some great amenities. I don’t know what they mean by that, but if it means I get treats then I’m all for it!

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