Is Your Office Pet Friendly?
Is Your Office Dog Friendly?

According to the recent research in Australia by Mars Petcare, 50% of all employees said pet-friendly policies directly impacted their decision in taking a new job. A stunning 95% of Gen Z supports pet-friendly offices with 70% of them claiming pet-friendly offices are a priority in their decision making. And the millennials are not far behind with 88% of them supporting pet friendly offices. But are Australian office spaces pet-friendly?
Despite Australia having one of the highest rates of pet ownership (over 40% of all households), almost 80% of employers are not ‘pet friendly’ or don’t allow pets in the workplace at all which leaves one third of Aussie pet owners ‘concerned about their return to the office according to a recent survey. During the pandemic becoming a pet owner has been one of the most popular lifestyle change for many. However, over 35% of new dog owners are now concerned about the impact their physical return to the office will have on their pets.
“Although many dogs will probably adjust relatively quickly, others may have a harder time, particularly if they were inclined toward separation anxiety prior to stay-at-home orders going into effect,” said Candace Croney, a professor of animal behavior and well-being at Purdue University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “Dogs adopted from shelters who have had no experience in the home beyond what they experienced during the pandemic may need additional support.“
This is echoed by Taylor Wheeler from Dog Training Lifestyle, who works very closely with several Rescue Organisations across Australia:
“With shelters at full capacity during the pandemic, it was a tremendous help from those who stepped forward and opened their home to fostering or adopting a pet in need.
The biggest worry that we had, was the consequence of people adopting or getting a dog whilst working from home, knowing this would be temporary for most.
Everyone benefited from the company of their new furry companion, but when returning to work and leaving their dog at home with minimal training or adjustment to the absence of their new owners, has resulted in many families feeling frustrated, guilty and the post decision of returning or re-homing their pet.
This is where support and training for these families is needed to prevent this outcome.“

What makes an office pet friendly?

When asked if pet owners classify ‘pet friendly’ as simply being able to bring a dog into the workplace – 60% said yes. However, 40% of those polled claimed this wasn’t enough – calling on businesses to reconsider their workplace designs.
The most-wanted design features included:
- Greater outdoor access (34%);
- Pet-friendly floor plans to allow for free (and restricted!) movement (28%);
- Doggy day care (20%);
- Dog-specific designed furniture (11%); and
- Free food and nibbles for furry friends (7%).
Every workplace is different and there is no one size fit all in becoming pet-friendly. Some offices have implemented a “Weekly Pet Day” when employees take turns in taking their pets at work. Some have implemented pet-friendly areas in the office and made it clear, which areas remain pet free. Some offices even provide doggie day care.
So what is the benefit of becoming a pet-friendly office?

As mentioned earlier, a vast majority of the Gen Z and Millenials support pet-friendly offices. The majority of respondents claimed pets in the office make them feel happier overall (54%), less stressed (15%) – and more social (7%) with pets giving them a reason to talk to colleagues.
The same positive impact on staff is also evident from dog friendly hospitality venues who love seeing their furry customers, and not just for the revenue stream:
“Pets have great positive impact on our staff and overall atmoshpere at the venue” – The Albion Hotel
“Our staff always gets a smile on their face when a dog walks through the door! Having pups in the venue adds that extra fun for staff when they come to work” – The Tudor Hotel
“Our overall staff morale is definitely up. Every time customers visit with their furry friends it puts everyone into a great mood including the staff and other patrons.” – The Australian Heritage Hotel
Is your office dog friendly? We are searching for THE BEST DOG FRIENDLY OFFICE in Australia. Nominate your office at [email protected]
Would you like to become more dog friendly office? Get in touch with us at PUPSY and we will help you in your journey to become more dog friendly.