14 Things To Do With Your Dog In Isolation
14 Things To Do With Your Dog In Isolation
Many of us are currently in some shape of form of isolation with our dogs. With strong social distancing measures in place for some time our furry companions play an ever more significant role in our lives. They keep us fit and entertained but also provide us with a great social element (they may not say a lot but they make great listeners). But rather than watching Netflix with our dogs, what can we do with our dogs in isolation?
To make most out of these exceptional times with your dog, we decided to collect some great new things to try at home with your pup when in isolation. From new educational toys & tricks to baking some delicious home made treats. Here’s our Top 14 things to do with your dog when in self isolation.
1. Play Hide & Seek

One of the most rewarding games to play with your dog when self isolating. Simply ask your dog to stay still and hide in another room (with some treats) and ask your dog to find you and give him / her treats when they do. Make sure your dog finds you EVERY time to avoid them feel anxious.
2. Give your puppy an Educational Toy

Our dogs need both physical and mental exercise on a regular basis. Many breeds love to have regular tasks in the family such as bringing the newspaper or chasing birds away from the balcony. Finding treats however is our all time favourite brainteaser. You can simply hide them in the room or use one of the great educational toys such as Nina Ottoson’s Dog Worker.
3. DIY Treats

Your dog is guaranteed to elevate your status even above superhero for these yummy and healthy home made treats! It’s heaps of fun to make them and you know exactly what goes into them. Find some amazing recipes here!
4. Getting fit with your pooch

Exercising while in isolation is essential for us. To make a bit more fun, involve your dog. You can use him as an extra weight or let him lay on the ground in front of you and pass him a treat every time you go down (think deep squads).
5. Give your dog a massage

Massage it is extremely beneficial for your pup’s health, flexibility and circulation. Doggy massage increases oxygen flow to the blood, relieves pain and muscle tension, alleviates anxiety, and can even improve immunity. It should also help relax your tireless, house-bound hound! Their muscles get sore the same way as ours and it can be super rewarding bonding moment for both of you.
6. DIY Dog Toys

Your home is likely to be full of ingredients that will make great toys for your dog. Cut an opening on an old tennis ball and fill it with treats, put an empty plastic bottle inside an old sock or take a muffin tray put treats in the holes and place tennis balls on top. And in case you have plenty of empty toilet paper rolls for some reason, they can make great treat dispensers. Place treats inside and fold both ends of the roll.
7. Learn a new Trick

Dogs love to please us and get a great satisfaction from seeing us getting happy from their behaviour or actions. Therefore teaching a new trick is a great way to bond with your dog, no matter how young or old. Start with something easy and repeat it several times. And most importantly, remember to reward your dog, maybe with your homemade treats ????
8. Bath Time

Not all puppies are keen to have a bath, however it is essential to keep our fur babies clean. Make the bath time just a little more special by investing in high quality shampoo and conditioner (maybe with your favourite scent) and reward your dog with heaps of cuddles.
9. Master a pawfect selfie with your pup

Staying at home is a perfect opportunity to get your camera out and make some memories with your dog. Try different selfies, teach your dog a new pose or make them tilt their heads. Give action shots a go as well, such as catching treats. We would love to feature your superstar so send us your best shots at [email protected]
10. Interactive Dinner Time

Is your dog super fast eater? Make him/her work for the dinner. There are plenty of different toys such as Lickimat (photo) to help you with this or you can simply hide some of the dry food in the house and make your pup find it.
11. Chasing Bubbles

If your dog is into chasing and catching then (s)he will love good old soap bubbles. Go to the kitchen or garage (so cleaning afterwards is not too difficult) and make sure you have your camera with you. Any liquid used with kids is safe to use with your dog.
12. Indoor Agility Course

We all have pawfect agility equipment at home. Pillows to jump over, tables or chairs to climb under and almost anything will do for a zig-zag course. Once again, make sure you have some high value treats with you and be patient when teaching your dog.
13. Give Your Dog A Job

Dogs LOVE jobs! Teach them to chase birds away from the deck or balcony or maybe bringing you the newspaper or putting their toys back into the basket. Whatever the job is, keep on rewarding your pup every time she/he attempts to do the job (even if it does not go 100% the way you are expecting).
14. Plan your dog’s “post-COVID-era” holiday

Travelling with our dogs seems like a distant memory during the times of lockdowns and restrictions. While we are completely endorsing the rules and restrictions, there is nothing wrong on starting to dream and plan for the post-COVID19-era. It will arrive one day and Australian hospitality sector will need us more than ever to get back on their feed. Whether you are after a beach destination, go camping, visiting one of the iconic wine regions or simply ideas for a short city break there is plenty of inspiration available on our Dog Friendly Travel Guides section.